About Me

My name is Damilola Ogungbenro. I am a creative, focused and innovative individual. I am an aspiring and budding frontend Website Developer specializing in bespoke websites for clients of all sizes. Currently, I am the creative director of Kraft Options, an Art and Craft store. I am capable within a range of tactical and big-picture web design tasks.

A little bit more about Damilola
Damilola is passionate about making sure that interfaces and graphics are user-friendly,clear,pleasing to the eye, excellent and usable. When Damilola, fondly called Damie, is not busy making websites she is in a corner making greeting cards, watching movies, reading or doodling. She loves her alone time and is never satisfied with her own work(she can be that annoying),because she always wants it perfect.

Core Competencies

Here Is Some of my Soft-Skill Competencies

TIIDELab Cohort 3 Meet-Up Gallery

This is how our Fridays look like during our meet-ups at TIIDELab Fellowship

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